Friday, 27 September 2013

AS1;T2 In Camera Editing

In camera editing is a technique of video production, that film makers use and they shoot in the exact same sequence that will be seen on screen. I produced a short film showing the in camera editing technique.  The key filmmaker that used this technique was George Melies. Melies was a magician and thought he could incorporate this into film editing by making people think that something disappeared when really he just stopped the camera. The film he showed this technique in was called "The Vanishing Lady".

I created this short film with a group of people, we first had to figure out what we were going to act out to and make sure we could use the technique effectively while acting it out.  Firstly we had to figure out what angle to put the camera and where to put the camera stand. I think that was the hardest thing to do because we had so many objects in front of the camera due to the fact that were were in a classroom so things for example, tables and chairs; this created a problem when were trying to do a long shot when someone was walking. Also another difficultly was finding an area of the room where there had good lighting, because with a lot of light it was hard to see the actors faces. Additionally we had to use close ups included in our shots.

In reference to our video one thing that was one really good about was the cutting, we made sure the video flowed all the way through. However one thing we could have improved on was more rehearsal we made a few accidents while filming.


I think the Pros of in camera editing is that it it's only one take and you can plan easily what you're going to do, however once you mess up you have you leave it there until you are able to able to cut it out later.

 The cons of in camera editing are that you are not able to stop delete the part you want and carry on from the part you left off. This means that you have to keep the tape rolling at all times until you are ready to stop filming the whole production.

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