Tuesday 24 June 2014

AS2;T7;Engaging the Viewer/Creating Pace

In a film the length of each sequence establishes the pace of the film moving the action along. The speed of editing will help to determine the mood of what is taking place of the screen. If you want the audience to feel anxiety, the editing will be really quick; the screen/shots will be frequent for example in  The Bourne Ultimatum. When wanting a relaxed mood the scenes/shots will last longer and be less frequent, for example in Sleepless in Seattle. However there is one film that has no editing,which was filmed in one take: Russian Ark. This film required split second timing and organisation.  Due to trailers being very short the speed of editing needs to be really quick. The scenes at the beginning of a film needs to be long enough as it's telling a story. It also has to be slow to introduce the main characters so we can gain an understanding of what's going on. As the film begins to progress the scenes may become shorter as they maybe telling more than one story. Casino Royale try to gauge the average length of shot in each sequence.  When cross cutting it is to edit together two sequences that the audience need to know are connected. Something that is happening in two different locations. In a cross cut the camera will cut from one action to another action, suspense maybe added by cross cutting. This is built through expectations that it creates, we then hopes it will be explained in time. Also, cross cutting forms parallels it shows a narrative action that happens in more than one place but at the same time. In the film A Corner in wheat  it cross cuts between a rich business then to poor people, this creates a strong distinction between the two shots. This is often used to create a strong, emotional effect.  Cross Cutting can also be used for a sense of drama, the death of casey in the opening of Scream. It's made more dramatic by the cross cutting to her parents, to see if they make it in time to save her. This is known as Developing Drama.  Cutaways are used to reveal details to the audience without distracting them from the narrative. Keeping the viewer engaged the first thing you have to do is to establish the target audience the editor must always include the beginning, middle and an end in order for the audience to fully understand it. Another way you can keep the audience interesting is by Creating Pace , editing can be used to create tension by using slowly paced shots but gradually speeding up. This editing technique is used with sound effects that compliments the scene as music can influence the way the audience view a particular scene. 

Monday 23 June 2014


Non - Continuity
A director would choose to non - continuity editing instead of continuity, to play with people's minds. A few directors have used non -continuity editing to create interesting effects.
French New Wave filmmakers such as Jean luc Goddard pushed the boundaries of editing Techniques during the late 1950s and throughout the 1960's. Jean Luc Goddard directed the film A bout de souffle ( Breathless)  he used the filming technique Jump Cut. The editing technique drew attention because it didn't conform to the norms in Hollywood. The use of jump cut often reminded the audience they were still watching a film just by overusing the technique. By the over use of jump cuts or inserting material that isn't related to any of the narrative.

Another way of manipulating the audience is breaking the 180 degree rule. The camera should always stay on one side of the imaginary line, directors like Stanley Kubrick went against this rule to play with the viewers minds. The shining movie is a thriller so going against this rule in this genre is very applicable, to manipulate the viewers minds.  You can see in the clip below how the rule is broken they

Furthermore, Gary Ross also went against the 180 degree in the hunger games. The camera should always stay on one side of the imaginary line, Ross changed the camera completely we see the room from a whole different direction. So we see everything.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Continuity Editing - T3;AS2

180 Degree Rule

The 180 degree rule is very simple; it states that two characters or anything like that should always have the same left or right relationship with eahcother. And if the camera goes over the imaginary axis, which is connecting the two subjects it would be called "crossing the line". That is what would happen if the film-maker didn't use this rule. Whilst filming the camera should always stay on one side of the imaginary line, of the camera swaps side of the line the characters will swap positions on the screen.

Match on Action

Match on Action links two shots together; A character will start an action in one shot, the camera will then cut to a completely different angle, and we will see the character finish the action in the second shot. This technique ensures the actions seems like one natural and relaistic movement, when really the character may have performed it twice. If the film-maker doesn't use this technique the sequence will be two different shots and it wouldn't look realistic.

Eye-line Match

This links two shots together, it starts with a character looking at a object or scenery etc off the screen and the camera will cut and go to what the character is looking at. This enables the audience to experience exactly what the character is experiencing.  If the film-maker doesn't use this particular technique, the character won't feel like they are feeling what the character is looking at from a realistic angle.

Shot, Reverse, Shot

This action also links two shots together. The first shot will show the first character and then the second shot will show the second character. This allows whoever is watching to connect with the two characters, to enable to see them interacting with each other. If the film-maker didn't use this technique, the audience would only see it from one perspective.

Transition and Effect - Task 5 AS2

The movement from one shot to another is called transition. The straight cut "invisible" is most common type of transition. One shot moves to the next without catching the viewers attention, they help retain reality they don't break the suspension or disbelief.


Dissolves, fading one shot off the screen while one is fading in. The audience will be able to see both of the shots at mid-point in dissolve. This is used if the director wants to show a connection between two characters, places or objects.

A gradual darkening or lightening of an image until becomes black or white, one shot will fade until you can see black and white. This effect is primarily used to indicate end of a particular section within the narrative, also it can show the passing of time. 


When one image is wiped off a screen from another, thy can be pushed left or right. It is more common for the image to be pushed off from left side as it is show as act of time moving on.  Signal a movement between two locations that are experiencing the same time. 

Graphic Match

Is a cut in film editing, which is between two different objects, two different compositions and two different places. In which two different shots they graphically match, this helps to establish a strong continuity of action also linking the two shots metaphorically.

Following the Action

This is when there is movement, and the camera will following the action that it taking place. In the movie Mr & Mrs Smith the camera rotates around the gun battle to show more of the action instead of standing at one point of view. 

Multiple points of view

This is where the actors are showing each side of a particular view. One actor will show what he/she is seeing and then it will change to the second character so they can do the same. 

Shot Variation 

This is when a shot is uninterrupted by editing the and the shot distance changes, the shot can be static or motion it just has to be continuous. For example the shot begins as long as wide but ends up as a lose up. In the movie Matrix it begins in a long shot, the camera moves in a circular motion and ends in a mid shot. 

Manipulation of Diegetic Time and Space

This is when a film uses effects to show an age or time change, either a person or an object shown getting older or younger. This can be shown even using colour or desaturation of an image to show a different point in time. Many films use this technique but one modern one is 

This is the short film i made demonstrating all the effects. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014


The term montage has a different meaning when referred to in the following in three different contexts:
French Film
Soviet filmmaking of the 1920s
Hollywood cinema
French Cinema
Montage has a literal French meaning (assembly installation) and simply identifies editing.
Soviet Film
In Soviet filmmaking of the 1920s “montage” was a method of juxtaposing shots to derive new meaning that did not exist in either shot alone.
Lev Kulshshov was on e the first to theorize about the relatively young medium of the cinema in the 1920s. He argued that editing a film is like constructing a building brick by brick the film is erected.  Kuleshov did an experiment that proves this point; he took an old film clip of a headshot of a noted Russian actor and inter-cut the shot with different images. When Kuleshov showed his film to people they praised the actor’s acting – the hunger in his face when he saw the soup, the delight in the woman, and the grief when looking at the dead child.
The acting of juxtaposing the shots in a sequence made the relationship, the audience was able to infer meaning from looking at the two shots. The experiment was the start of a technique known as Montage.
Sergwi Eisentein was shortly a student of Kuleshovs, but the two parted ways because they had different ideas of montage. contrasted unrelated shots Eisenstein tried to provoke associations in the viewer which were induced by shocks. In the clip below the unrelated shots show that the workers are angry, scared etc. 
In Hollywood cinema in a film is a short segment in a film which narrative information is presented in a condensed fashion. for example in the clip below: Film makers may choose to include a montage to shorten the movie, or to make it more interesting.

I created two different types of montages

1. Soviet
2. Hollywood

AS1;T3 From Analogue to Digital Editing

From Analogue to Digital Editing

 Analogue editing is cutting pieces of celluoid together, films are traditionally printed on to acetate negatives. These are then spliced together to make a reel of film, which are later fed through a projector at a constant speed of 24 frames a seconds which makes the picture appear to moving, this known as analogue. There disadvantages and advantages to analogue: better representation of sound, but however limitation in editing, the quality of the video is easily lost.

Digital editing is form of electronic media, where the data is stored in digital instead of analogue form. Digital editing is the use of computers to manipulate and order this digital data. Digital cinema uses bits and bytes which records, transmit and reply images, instead if chemicals on film, the whole thing is electronic so there is no splicing involved. Within digital editing non-linear editing allows you to access each frame in a digital video clip regardless of sequence in the clip. the freedom to access any frame, and use a cut and paste method.There are advantages and disadvantages to digital editing such as: cheaper, easy to edit, copies can be made. However the disadvantages are: data can become corrupted, poor multi-user interfaces.

Splicing is a matter rearranging sounds, splicing is a device which can join lengths of photographic film together, it's mostly used in motion pictures. Also there are such things called cement splicers; these join film together by using a chemical called film cement which is film base dissolved in solvent. Tape splicers are a thin transparent piece of adhesive tape used to join the ends, tape splicers can be used on most types of film. Ultrasonic splicing is used to melt pieces of film together, used in microfilm.

Linear editing is a video post production which includes selecting, arranging and modifying. the process typically involves a computer, that controls a tape machine. The computer saves the video and the time code information in a edit decision list aka EDL. EDL can be used to move the edit around. However the problem with linear editing is that every piece of the video must be laid down to the recorder in real time and once you start you cannot go back.

Non linear video editing, is a method that allows you to access any frame in a digital video, in any sequence of the clip. Non - linear gives you the option to use the cut and paste method, it allows you to include fades and other editing options that linear editing doesn't allow you to do.

The Moviola is a device that enables the editor to view the film while editing, it was the first machine for motion picture editing. The pros of editing with the Moviola that it allowed the editor to study individual shots in the cutting rooms. Editing with Final Cut has some advantages as you can add special effects, cut away the parts you don't want.

Friday 27 September 2013

AS1;T2 In Camera Editing

In camera editing is a technique of video production, that film makers use and they shoot in the exact same sequence that will be seen on screen. I produced a short film showing the in camera editing technique.  The key filmmaker that used this technique was George Melies. Melies was a magician and thought he could incorporate this into film editing by making people think that something disappeared when really he just stopped the camera. The film he showed this technique in was called "The Vanishing Lady".

I created this short film with a group of people, we first had to figure out what we were going to act out to and make sure we could use the technique effectively while acting it out.  Firstly we had to figure out what angle to put the camera and where to put the camera stand. I think that was the hardest thing to do because we had so many objects in front of the camera due to the fact that were were in a classroom so things for example, tables and chairs; this created a problem when were trying to do a long shot when someone was walking. Also another difficultly was finding an area of the room where there had good lighting, because with a lot of light it was hard to see the actors faces. Additionally we had to use close ups included in our shots.

In reference to our video one thing that was one really good about was the cutting, we made sure the video flowed all the way through. However one thing we could have improved on was more rehearsal we made a few accidents while filming.


I think the Pros of in camera editing is that it it's only one take and you can plan easily what you're going to do, however once you mess up you have you leave it there until you are able to able to cut it out later.

 The cons of in camera editing are that you are not able to stop delete the part you want and carry on from the part you left off. This means that you have to keep the tape rolling at all times until you are ready to stop filming the whole production.